Learn Floral Design
Discover how Native Poppy makes magic with flowers
Learn the foundation of building wild, garden-style floral designs! We'll cover guidance on color theory, vase infrastructure, and tips from the pros that will make your flower arrangements stand out.
Learn to make a wild and whimsical flower crown, perfect for special events! We'll teach you to build a lush crown using fresh blooms and greenery, with tips on how to correctly size and adjust your crown, how to avoid drooping flowers, and more.
Learn how to keep your flowers fresher and longer with our tried and true florist tips! Find out what you may be doing that is actually hurting your flowers, and help those blooms flourish all week long!
Learn how to make a greenery garland in less than 10 minutes! Garlands are a stunning and versatile flower skill to have, and this quick lesson shows you how to make one plus three ways you can use one!
Were you gifted a big bunch of flowers wrapped in paper and not sure what to do with them? We break down a few easy ways to care for and style your blooms at home!
Natalie Gill + Meg Blancato
Our courses are great for beginners! We'll walk you through the basics of how to create your own pretty. wild. flowers. from home, no previous training necessary. Intermediate florists with an interest in honing your skills would also benefit from our lessons on color theory, infrastructure, and flower care.
We've got you covered! You can snag curated Flower Arranging DIY Kits from our online shop, plus lots of extra tools and books to keep you going on your creative journey. Available for nationwide shipping!
All our courses are pre-recorded, so you can learn at your own pace. While we don't offer Q&A sessions with the instructor, our classes are chock full of floral knowledge, and with anytime-access, you can rewind or re-watch as much as you'd like.
“Flower Arranging with Native Poppy is a MUST! My mom, best friend and I did the flower arranging workshop as a fun girls day and had the BEST time. We laughed, we learned, and we drank wine. Their guidance and breakdown of arranging flowers was easy to follow. We can't wait to do more workshops with them.”